Category: General

End of year

What a year it’s been! Some people have been going back to classes in person, although I haven’t. I have, however, restarted online classes with my teacher Mai ( ) , and focused...

Makeup, start to finish: preparation

Over the year and a half of posting makeup looks weekly, I’ve had several requests for tutorials and more detailed explanations. I think a good makeup is just the icing on the cake, and everything starts with the skin. I will be posting a close up of steps I take, from skin prep to colour correction, to eye makeup, to face makeup.

Journaling and Planning: a journey

As soon as we see the Halloween decorations come out, a lot of my stationary obsessed friends start scrambling around for their planners or journals for the following year. It’s like clockwork. Both of these activities have become rather popular with dancers of late, and it’s easy to see why. Both can help you develop, in very different ways.

Gifts for Dancers

We are getting closer to the End of Year and the dreaded “what do I get them” situation we all have at some point. Present buying fatigue, I call it; always leads to bad decisions and lots of last minute overpriced joke presents and pairs of socks.

On Ballroom Tango

Every year, I dread the Strictly Come Dancing season. Not because I watch it and get excited. But because every single year, someone will tag me in whatever “Tango Argentino” horror happens to be...