I grew up in South America, with music and dancing as an integral part of my life. I was admitted at 14 years old to the National Conservatoire of my country to study piano, remaining there until I turned 19. I moved to the UK in 2000.
I started my belly dance journey in 2010, and haven’t stopped since. My first steps were learning Oriental style, then adding America Tribal Style® and Belly Dance Fusion lessons. For the past four years I have focused primarily on ATS® and Fusion, studying with national and international teachers to hone my skills. I have also attended workshops and classes in other styles of dancing.
In 2017 I obtained my Teacher Training Certification in FCBD® Style (Formerly ATS or American Tribal Style). I’m a Fat Chance Belly Dance Sister Studio, and I still take classes and workshops regularly to ensure my knowledge and skills are up to date.
I think a deeper understanding of the music and the body creates a better dancer, and I like dancing to music that changes and challenges both the dancer and the audience: changing rhythms or unusual covers are my preferred pieces, but I also love a good heavy drum and traditional folkloric instruments, as ways of showcasing the dance to the music it was developed for.
I have collaborated on and off with Tribe of the Honeybadgers in Southampton, and in 2018 and 2019 I taught and performed at Gothla UK, an international festival for darker fusion dancers.
I believe that physical activity should be fun. I have found belly dancing has allowed me to connect with my body at a deeper level. Group styles of belly dance promote connections between dancers, and dancing within a nurturing, creative environment can promote integral well being in a way few other activities can, and I want to make this accessible to more people.