Crochet a simple hip shawl
I wanted a light, neutral hip shawl to use with my ATS costumes, and preferably to pair with the white flouncy sleeves choli I made over the summer. Problem is, while I did manage...
I wanted a light, neutral hip shawl to use with my ATS costumes, and preferably to pair with the white flouncy sleeves choli I made over the summer. Problem is, while I did manage...
If you dance ATS, or you are familiar with the style, you’ll know we can use really, REALLY big skirts that are often tucked or hitched in different ways. Which one you choose to...
So, after the long intro explaining ATS®… what do I think about it? I first approached ATS® because I wanted a solid grounding on safe technique and conditioning, which I felt was somehow missing...
If you have little information about ATS, and would like to know more, for once I’m going to suggest you view the video above first, then read what follows, then watch it again with...
Cholis are great classwear, and absolutely *vital* for performance if you do ATS. They are relatively easy to find, but mostly what is sold is on the smaller sizes. Some vendors, like Flying Skirts,...
A quickie to list some events coming next in the next few weeks/months, which I should add to the event calendar, but want to also mention specially: September 15th: Workshops with Hilde Cannoodt and...