Classes starting in Littlehampton!
I am offering beginners’ classes in Littlehampton, starting on January 10th. We will cover bellydance basics and eventually start working on the FCBD® curriculum.
I am offering beginners’ classes in Littlehampton, starting on January 10th. We will cover bellydance basics and eventually start working on the FCBD® curriculum.
This is an old clip but one I really enjoy rewatching. Lovely duet between Devi and Christine from Caravan. Some very interesting passings and variations on steps we don’t see often too! Enjoy!
This clip is five years old, and I’m sad I only recently saw it for the first time. It’s beautiful. Enjoy!
I’m totally biased about this video because this is my FCBD Style Fan teacher. But before I talked about the remote nature of festivals allowing for interesting developments in performance filming and editing. I...
enjoy The Siren Project, who developed most of the fan dialect out there.
Challenges and Social Media / Egyptian / FCBD®Style / Fusion / Oriental / Practice / Styles
by Ana · Published September 9, 2021
aven’t danced, or haven’t danced as much as you wished because of the pandemic, and are looking for ways to ease yourself back in, in a way that is also kind to your needs and body? I’ve got two possible options for yo